How much Chlorophyll should you drink in a day?

People and social media have been talking about this green drink! Yes, the Chlorophyll drink Most people did not know about it until your friend or family started consuming it and strongly recommends you to start too. Initially, most people are unsure and do not know where to start and how much consumption to start the chlorophyll drink. The next step would be to do research and speak to people around, including friends and family. Most people have shared their views based on the FDA recommendation that is to consume 100 to 200 milligrams over the age of 12 years but should not exceed 300 milligrams. Here is a blog to share the journey of the first week of consuming the chlorophyll drink.

Day 1:

You can begin with a glass of 8 oz. of water and put around 15 drops of Chlorophyll in it. On consuming it, you will discover that it goes down smoothly the day, and then if you wish, you can keep sipping more of chlorophyll drink that will keep you hydrated all day long.

Day 2:

The same routine as Day 1 can be followed, and this time you can make your chlorophyll drink with your smoothie too! The best way, however, remains to have your Chlorophyll drink in water.

Day 3:

You can now increase your Chlorophyll in your drink to 3 full droppers a day. You will surely experience an improvement in your gut health and digestion. You will also feel more energized and lighter!

Day 4:

With the Chlorophyll drink, the continued daily routine will make you opt for healthy food choices that will go along with your overall health and weight management.

Day 5:

You will experience control over your cravings for sugar and salt that pushes you to make wrong food choices like drinking a lot of caffeine.

Throughout the consumption of Chlorophyll water, you will also notice a new level of smoothness, fewer blemishes, and a better skin texture.


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